Zak and Jack

About Zak and Jack game

Meet Zak and Jack, a pair of hard-working Hobsters who live in a small village called Monstertown. Famous for their clever inventions, Hobsters enjoy an earthly paradise of lush woods, paved streets and cozy houses. When word of their settlement spreads, the evil beasts of the monster world band together in an envious campaign against the goodhearted Hobsters. Luckily, Zak and Jack learn about the plot and prepare for the assault. Take control as our heroic twosome mows down wave after wave of Rhinosaurs, Robocopters, Swelloons and more. Grab powerups that allow you to unleash a storm of devastation on Zak and Jack’s enemies. And take out five of the wackiest bosses ever seen in an arcade shooter! Featuring incredible cartoon animation, vivid backdrops and explosive audio, Showdown at Monstertown will thrill action fans of all ages!
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